Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Genesis 1-4

It has always been a struggle for me to get through Genesis. I don't think I have ever been able to fully accomplish it until this past year. I'm trying for it again so we shall see what I learn from this go round.
Even before we were created, God had us in mind. He could have created the world in one day but instead chose to give us a pattern to live by. He showed us how to live a healthy life: work 6 days and rest one.
God has also designed us to desire certain things, such as, a spouse to share life with, children, purpose... Do not think that God would equip us with such desires and not give us a way to fulfill them. Unfolding our purpose in life is what brings God glory, among other things.
In Genesis 4:6-7,9 it reminds me of what Rich Mullins used to claim. He would counter Cain and say, "I will be my brother's keeper." God has called us as Christians to excellence. It is through Christ's blood that we are blameless. A goal in our lives must be to live our best through God's strength. Satan does not want this to happen so it is crucial that we fight against the lion daily who waits to pounce on us.