This is the first chapter that has really stuck out to me in a while. I've been trudging through Leviticus and Numbers trying to enjoy it...but it's been rough. Then I came to Numbers 11. There was simply too much to ponder in that one.
The title of the chapter in my Bible is "The People Complain." I'm thinking...okay, I do that. I'm a person and I complain. I'm going to learn that complaining is a bad idea and I need to refrain. I did learn this, but more so than that, I was surprised that I have absolutely no reason to whine and gripe whatsoever.
The chapter starts out with the people crying to Moses about how tired they are of eating manna day after day after day. I thought about it and agreed that I would definitely get tired of eating bread baked with oil daily. Apparently they begged and pleaded a little too much because God just started burning up the place. Puts a whole new idea to Sean Kingston's song "Fire Burning." Shorty isn't fire burning on the dance floor...God is BURNING UP the dance floor Shorty is dancing on!
So, naturally, everyone starts freaking out and Moses hears this. He gets upset himself. He goes to God and says, "Did I give birth to these people? Why am I in charge of these idiots? How am I supposed to take care of these masses?" Personally, I think he was being quite sarcastic (which I'm trying to work on not doing myself...).
Basically, Moses was complaining to God about the people complaining to him about manna and fire burning.
God, in His mercy, gathers together 70 men and designates leaders for the separate tribes of Israel. This will give Moses a break. Plus, God said he would provide meat for know, a change in pace. This is when Moses goes, "And HOW am I supposed to do THAT?" He completely doubted the fact that God could produce such a large number of animals to hunt and eat. God told Moses he would give the people so much meat it would be coming out of their fingernails! (Actually, God said it would come out of their nostrils) They think they're sick of manna! Heh. Just wait. I, personally, think it's kind of frightening to be sarcastic and doubtful of God's power like that.
Wait...but I think I'm like that most every day. I really do. When I looked back on the manna everyone was so tired of eating, I thought to myself, Self, what does the manna stand for? I think it stands for blessing, God's protection, God's willingness to provide daily... Perhaps God blesses us so often that we begin to take it for granted. I step into my house, my manna from God, every day and cease to find it much of a blessing anymore. I hop in my car, manna from God, that still works (it may have water jiggling in the door but whatev)and don't think of it as all that big of a deal. I put. on. clothes. Daily. It's true...I really do that. And I don't think a thing about it. Okay, I think that I need new clothing.
However, when I step back, my manna is protection, transportation (the freedom to go wherever I want to go whenever), and security. God grants me those three things every single day and what do I do? I sit in my house and complain about not getting this or wanting to know more than I need to about that...I sit in my car and gripe, gripe; gripe. I put on my clothes and think about what I could be buying if I had the funds and how much better I could look.
I think that sometimes God gets tired of all our griping and actually gives us what we want. And he doesn't just do it at a small level. Oh no. He's like, you think you want a piece of this earth? I won't just give you a piece, I'll give you a whole chunk of what the world has to offer! And it makes people sick.
Look at all the screwed up celebrities who have gotten their fill of this earth. Or take a look at anyone who has had more than they need of a certain thing...whether it be food, lovers, entertainment, shallow friends, whatever. God knows exactly how much we need of everything. He loves us enough to give us a balance. Sometimes we think these balances are bad things. We want more; we have to have something different than what God has given us. Well, I'm saying be careful what you ask or complain for because God might take those daily mannas and bump you up to a level you can't handle and it will make you very ill, indeed.
Don't put God to the test. Try and find what your daily manna is that you have forgotten throughout the years. Places that God has been continuously faithful in that you have ceased to recognize. I think doing that will open your eyes to a God that is more caring than you ever imagined.
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