In the heart of the city, Lachish, Judeans quivered in fear at the attack taking place. Enemy archers shot arrows over the strong walls as battering rams caused the stones to rumble and shake. It seemed the very walls that surrounded and protected them would fall at any second.
In Jerusalem, King Hezekiah wailed in despair as he sent a message to the King of Assyria.
"Dear Senna...Sennacherub,
I have done wrong; withdraw from me. Whatever you impose on me I will bear.
Then, Sennacherib sent King Hezekiah a reply:
"Dear Hezekiah,
I want 300 talents of silver and 30 talents of gold. ASAP.
Your conqueror,
"Seriously, Mara? How many times do I have to tell you his name is Sennacherub?" Hannah asked in frustration.
"Well how am I supposed to know? You always make me say words I don't know," Tamara complained.
"Girls, that kind of disrespect towards each other is not allowed in this house. What have I told you? Hannah, if you want Tamara to play with you, you are to teach her how to say the words in a kind manner; not reprimand her," their mother chimed in.
"Yes, mom," Hannah said. "Okay, now Mara, you get Sennacherib to keep attacking Lachish while I make Hezekiah tear apart the temple to get together all the silver and gold."
"Okay...ahem..." in a deep voice Tamara commanded, "Soldiers, keep up the good work. And, uh, Tartan, Rab-sah-rees?, and Rabsha-keeh? go pay Hezekiah a little visit. Mua-ha-ha-ha!"
Just outside the city walls of Jerusalem, the three men stood waiting for some of Hezekiah's important officials to show up. The head of the household, the secretary, and the recorder came out to negotiate.
"What could you men possibly have to say to us?" The secretary said. "We have provided your demands of gold and silver."
"Maybe you should go back to your typing, secretary, and let the real men talk out here," Tartan said mockingly.
"Ma-ra," Hannah exclaimed. "I mean, Mara, that's a different type of secretary. The secretaries in the Bible aren't like the ones in offices."
"Oh. Sorry," Tamara said. "Well, secretary! Sennacherub has a special message for you. He says, 'Who do you have left to put your trust in? Egypt is pointless and so is your God. Want to know why? Because your God told me to destroy you!'"
"Hey! Not so loud! The people in the city can hear you," the Judeans said.
"Don't you think we know that? They're SUPPOSED TO HEAR US!"
"Gi-irls," their mom warned.
Hannah and Mara giggled from the living room.
Mara began to whisper, "There's no way your God can deliver you. Sennacherub is much greater than He'll ever be. You might as well give up now."
Silence loomed.
"Well, if that's how you're going to be, we're leaving," Sennacherib's men said.
After they left, the head of the household, the secretary, and the recorder ran to Hezekiah and tore their clothes.
"Hezekiah!! We're going to DI-I-I-I-E-E-E!!!"
"Okay, girls. Mara, you need to take the trash to the curb. Hannah, you go and help her," their mom said.
"YES MA'AM!" They laughed and ran outside.
To be continued...
You are so creative! God Has blessed you and will bless you more, just have patience.
Thanks, Aunt Kallie! You're so right! Hey, let's do lunch soon. :)